It is a great group to socialize in as well as have a more connected relationship with the lord. Intervarsity is a nondenominational student group that meets up in order to learn about the word of God and apply it to everyday life and its tribulations. It is often women that are told that they should not pursue these career paths, which makes it even more important that groups support them. STEM is stands for education in math, technology, science, and engineering. Women in STEM is a group that empowers more women and women currently in STEM to pursue their dreams. Students may also volunteer time at build sites as well as the restore. The students raise funds to give to the group, which then uses it to help build houses for those in need. Habitat for Humanity is a club on campus that supports the local habitat for humanity in the area. It is a great way to get possible transfer scholarships as well. The group does a number of service projects as well as social events for the college. The group is meant for students who have a high GPA of at least a 3.5. Phi Theta Kappa is an international two-year college honors society. Here are 10 of the coolest clubs on campus. The average tuition price is about $1,200 for instate and $7,500 for out-of-state. It has multiple campuses, one in Pleasant Hill and the other in San Ramon in Contra Costa County, California. Diablo Valley College is a community college.